06 May 2008



Derslerimin çoxluğu ve vaxtımın azlığından son zamanlar blog'a az zaman ayırırdım. Amma bu yaxınlarda bir kitabdan maraqlı bir yazı oxudum. Hem de deyerdim bir az gülmeli :-) Odur ki, Sizinle de bölüşmek istedim. Yazını orijinalda olduğu kimi ingilisce qoyacam.

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Captain Cook, a British navigator, was the first European to reach Austaria's east coast. While his ship was lying off Austaria, his sailors brought a strange animal on board. Cook wanted to know the name of this unusual creature, so he sent his men ashore to ask the native inhabitants. When the natives were asked in impromptu sign language to name the animal, they said, "Kangaroo". The sailors, believed "kangaroo" was the animal's name. Years later, the truth was discovered. "Kangaroo" means "What did you say?"

But today the animal is still being called a kangaroo in English.

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